I need just this one thing and I’m all set. Then I’ll get to enjoy life, with my precious thing. Life will be so much better, forever. Even mundane things will feel like an adventure with my new thing. People will see my new thing and think how sophisticated I am for purchasing one.
The day has finally come. I got my thing. But the feeling isn’t quite as strong as I imagined it. I like it, but my day wasn’t that different. I know my daily chores felt just as mundane. No one really paid extra attention to me.
A few days later, for a moment, I forgot I even had the thing. It still looks pretty nice, I guess. I have to admit there’s one feature which makes it a bit annoying. Maybe I’ll get used to it.
You know what really would make a difference? The gadget. Oh how wonderful a gadget would be. If I think about it, I’ve always wanted a gadget. It’s meaningful for me. After buying a gadget like that I’d be all set, no question about it. Then I’d just sit back and enjoy life, with my precious gadget. Forever, never needing anything else again.
This is bloody brilliantly put. So relatable.
This year I’m only buying 5 things (aesthetic things- clothes, shoes, bags, whatever) to really challenge myself to cut through this constant _wanting_; the urgent to buy, fuelling how I want to feel as the future version of me. It’s hard to explain to people why I’m doing it (don’t get me started on them trying to catch me out haha!) but I think from now on I’ll just send them this.
Enough is enough. That’s why!